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Meet the Prowfessionals

Chiedza Muguti

Product Leader

Chiedza Muguti is an experienced and assiduous Product Leader focusing on product management and product marketing in financial services. , driving the successful and impactful delivery of innovative digital solutions. Bringing people together; developing and delivering digital solutions as well as leading incredibly talented teams bringing out the best in people is what keeps her motivated every day. An immensely proud Zimbabwean based in Berlin, Chiedza has built a career combining two things she loves: People and Creativity and is passionate about sharing her story and experiences working in Tech and demystifying the terms to make it a field that is more accessible and desirable to work in. Her strong belief is that to build products that can capture a wide audience and subsequently drive revenue and growth, teams need to be as representative as possible. 

Prow Engagements

Bias in Product

We are heavily influenced from birth by our environment, more so than we care to admit. Much of what we absorb ends up in our subconscious mind and informs our opinions and views as well as how we interpret and interact with the world. And this is how bias is born. The word bias has much negative association and as such, we struggle to create healthy environments where we can start to understand our biases and how they could show up in our work. As product professionals, we are building for communities, many of whom we do not share the same understanding of the world. Let's take a journey together today and explore bias in product.

Duration: 30 minutes


Main Stage


Panel discussion: How to Effectively Transition to a Product-Driven Culture


Duration: 45 minutes


Main Stage