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Meet the Prowfessionals

Dragos Manescu

Vice President Of Product Management at Adore Me

Building great products that users love with a scientific approach: Dragos mixes customer empathy with market knowledge, good UX, and strong engineering.

Dragos has been working in product management for the past years in both corporations and startups on the idea level, highly growing and established products.

Prow Engagements

Retail thinking vs. product thinking: from internal tools to new business products

Any successful ecommerce/retail startup or scaleup suffers from a typical bias: all early-stage founders and employees have strong retail thinking and are into one thing: growth with (almost) all costs. 
Growing a strong product organization with genuine values in such an environment is not the easiest job in the world, but it is doable. The actual turning point is when you start transforming (some of) your internal tools into new business products.  

Duration: 25 minutes


Main Stage