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Meet the Prowfessionals

Lucian Bicsi

Lead Engineer at Synaptiq (accelerated by InnovX BCR)

With the latest boom in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, it is only a matter of time until we see it broadly applied in various medical procedures. But what does it take to turn mere ideas into an actual solution in this infrastructure? What makes it different from usual development, and what are the challenges and gotchas? Come find out; we face them every day!

Prow Engagements

Medtech x AI: expectations vs reality

With the latest boom in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, it is only a matter of time until we see it broadly applied in various medical procedures. But what does it take to turn mere ideas into an actual solution in this infrastructure? What makes it different from usual development, and what are the challenges and gotchas? Come find out; we face them every day!

Duration: 25 minutes


Main Stage