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Meet the Prowfessionals

Lucian Stroie

Agile Coach at BCR

The important things are mindsets! They will change you!” is Lucian’s professional motto, driving his in his Agile Coach role, and in the past two years in his product development support work

He is currently working at BCR, enjoying the opportunity to work with new technologies, brilliant design people and crafty developers, this blend resulting in award winning & innovative user experiences. With more than 15 years’ experience in software development and working process engineering, Lucian took interest in things related to software testing, Agile based ways of working, and digital product management. His professional experience covers a wide variety of software products, ranging from networking & embedded to mobile apps, going through security and desktop applications.

Exposure to varied types of applications and fields of business lead Lucian to believe that applied coaching methods, communication and technical excellency are key ingredients for successful teams and product innovation.

You can connect further on Twitter (@lucianadrian) or through his blog (

Prow Engagements

Waltzing with bears - How innovation and tech partnerships can happen inside regulated environments

Banks and other regulated industries seem like deserts of innovation to most young companies. This is an outside-in perception that can be turned upside down when working from the inside. Most companies are reluctant to approach regulated organisations or make it with the same modus operandi as with any other company or client. So what to pay attention to when approaching organisations that work both on a large scale and within a regulated environment? Join me in this session where we will explore insights and stories useful for understanding what to expect, how to prepare and what to watch for when approaching a large & regulated organisation with your innovative products or services. 


Duration: 35 minutes


Experience Stage