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Meet the Prowfessionals

Phil Hornby

Founder and Director at for product people

Phil is a highly experienced and passionate product management professional. Helping entrepreneurial product people and teams to be successful.

He has helped thousands of individuals across hundreds of companies - empowering individuals and teams to succeed. He has a proven track record and broad industry experience, having helped product people and teams across most industries.

As a dynamic character, Phil is happy on stage, coaching, training and facilitating with a powerful and persuasive message that moves people to take action.

Prow Engagements

Your Roadmap Sucks!

Most roadmaps are bad because of three fundamental things. So, there is a good chance yours isn’t great.
As the cohost of Talking Roadmaps, Phil has seen a lot of them and spoken to a lot of other experts about the problems they see.
Phil will share key insights and introduce the audience to the 12 Roadmap Visual Styles you can use to communicate your product’s direction.

Duration: 35 minutes


Experience Stage


Visual Roadmaps for Storytelling

In this workshop you’ll create your best-ever visual roadmap and tell the story of your product’s direction!

Duration: 3 hours


Cowork Timisoara The Office