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Meet the Prowfessionals

Tania Nemes

Director of Product, Digital Sports Experience at Adidas Sports Apps

Tania’s 10+ journey from software engineer to now Director of Product has been fueled by an unrelenting passion for products and people, for seeing great potential and acting on it. She is a firm believer in people’s power for creative thinking while feeling safe to fail, innovate and pursue excellence, given the right context and leadership. Product Manager at heart, she has an insatiable appetite for working on her craft and expanding her product knowledge - either by learning or leveraging and sharing the lessons gathered from both product and outsourcing-driven companies.

Prow Engagements

KPI Tree - The Connecting Tissue between Product Metrics and Company Goals

In this session, we will uncover a powerful visualization method that allows an organization's objectives to be broken down into more granular outcomes and relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This tree-like structure also known as the KPI tree is designed to foster alignment, transparency and focus in the product organization while giving guidance at strategic, tactical, and operational levels.

Duration: 35 minutes


Experience Stage